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We know you have several options when choosing to invest in your child dance education. We appreciate the opportunity to give your child a quality dance foundation that promotes a respect and understanding for the art of dance. We are dedicated to helping each child develop into the best dancer they can and want to be. From the future professional dancer to the recreational student, we give equal attention to all our dancers. We believe that hard work produces achievement. This is a lesson that will instill a discipline in each student that will aid him/her in facing all aspects of life. We seek excellence from all our students appropriate to their age level and interest. None of this can be accomplished without a cooperative and supportive effort from the students, their parents, our teachers and staff.


Our policies have been developed carefully to alleviate any possible confusion concerning our approach to your child’s dance training at CENTRE for DANCE. These policies are based on many years of dance instruction and past experiences. After you have read through all our policies, please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions.




  • Registration is completed online through our website and required for all students attending classes through CENTRE for DANCE.  Registration is split into two groups; (1) Adults 18 & up, (2) Children 2 years to 18 years old. 

  • Adults are registered as a drop-in dancer and may attend classes on a drop-in basis by purchasing a Class Card or Class Card package.  There is no registration fee for adult students.

  • Children are required to register for classes they plan to regularly attend and may only attend classes on a drop-in basis with prior office approval. Enrollment in a class or classes requires full payment of a non-refundable registration fee of $50 and the first month’s tuition. Summer registration is discounted at $25. 

  • Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Receipt of the CENTRE for DANCE Student & Parent Handbook must be signed electronically online by logging in to your account at



Enrollment is considered active until the end of each season unless written notice of withdrawal is received.  CENTRE for DANCE's 2024 -2025 Fall/Spring is from August 12th, 2024 through June 1st, 2025.  At the conclusion of each season, all students are considered automatically cancelled until they register for the next season. CENTRE for DANCE will only pro-rate the first month's tuition if registration is received after the first of the month.  There is no pro-rating for missing classes or withdrawing before the end of a month.  CENTRE for DANCE reserves the right to cancel class or combine classes with another appropriate class when enrollment is low.



  • To report an absence, log into your parent portal, click on attendance on the left hand side. Then, click "report absence" and follow the directions to submit the absence. 

  • If a student misses a regularly scheduled class, they are invited to attend any class that is their same level during the week.  Classes may be made up for bad weather days, holidays, illness, injury, travel, or any other reason a dancer must miss a regularly scheduled class.

  • Classes must be made up within 30 days of the missed class and within the current season the class was missed.  Enrollment must be current; therefore, no makeup classes are allowed after a dancer has dropped nor after a season has ended. Makeup classes do not carry over into a new season.

  • We do allow for anticipatory make-ups, meaning if students know that they will be absent in the near future, they can make-up the class before the absence.

  • Makeup classes should be scheduled in advance by emailing request to, to ensure availability and avoid any inconvenience. 

  • No reductions or refunds are given for missed classes not made up.



  • Tuition is paid monthly while a dancer is enrolled at CENTRE for DANCE.  Tuition is paid monthly to hold a student’s place in a class or classes and must be paid regardless of the student's attendance each month. 

  • No refunds or reduction in tuition will be given for missed classes due to vacations, illness, holidays, etc.  Some months will have five weeks of class while others have two or three weeks of class; however, monthly tuition will remain the same.  Tuition has been determined for the entire studio year and divided into equal monthly payments. 

  • Please remember you may not be sent a monthly statement.  Tuition is due on the first of each month and considered past due if not in the office by the 5th of the month.  A $30 late fee per family will automatically be charged to all late accounts on the 6th of each month.  If tuition becomes two months delinquent students are subject to removal from classes.  Once tuition has processed, no refunds of any kind will be given.   



  • Monthly tuition and incidental charges are payable by auto draft or prepayment.

  • Acceptable forms of draft payment are cash, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. 

  • American Express and checks are not accepted at CENTRE for DANCE. 

  • CENTRE for DANCE reserves the right to apply any unpaid tuition or past due fees to the credit card on file. 

  • If any account debit, or credit card charge payable to CENTRE for DANCE is returned, rejected or dishonored, CENTRE for DANCE shall, in each instance, bill the account an additional $30 to cover costs and expenses incurred in connection with collection.

  • Prepayment is available as an alternative to auto draft.



  • Students are continually enrolled in classes from month to month unless written notice is received to by the 20th of the month.  If a withdrawal notice is received after the 20th of the month, the next month's tuition is still required. 

  • The withdrawal will be effective at the end of the paid month, and students may continue with classes during the paid month.

  • Instructors are not permitted to withdraw dancers, and the office cannot accept verbal withdrawals.

  • All balances and payments should be paid in full upon withdrawal. 

  • A student who drops and wishes to return to CENTRE for DANCE within the same studio year will be responsible for the registration fee of $50. 

  • Students that miss 3 or more classes consecutively may be withdrawn from the missed class(es) and must re-register if they plan to return, if the class is still available.

  • There are no refunds or credits issued for drops received after the 20th of the month, or tuition charges have occurred.  There is no pro-rating for withdrawals.

  • If a family has prepaid tuition for the season and must drop, a credit will be placed on the account for future use.



All balances owed by a student and/or family that are in arrears are subject to a $30 late fee applied on the 6th day after the due date. Any unpaid balances for tuition fees, goods or services may result in suspension of enrollment if unpaid for 25 days or more. The financially responsible party shall be obligated to pay any cost incurred by CENTRE for DANCE for collection. CENTRE for DANCE reserves the right to charge past due balances, plus applicable charges, to the student’s account under the auto draft authorization.



In the case of serious injury or illness and a dancer must miss 3 or more weeks of classes, a student’s family may request a freeze of his or her tuition for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 3 months. Families must provide a doctor’s note at the time of requesting a freeze, submitted via email to The cost to freeze an account is $20 per month.


Should a dancer need to withdraw before the end of a season or need to request an extended absence of longer than 3 months, CENTRE for DANCE will remove the student from classes and waive the registration fee should they choose to return later that season.



Students must notify the office by email at regarding any schedule changes. 

Due to year-end Showcase planning, we kindly request no class changes occur after December 1st.



In the best interest of the dancer and level of the class, it is best to place students in age and level appropriate classes.  Dancers must exhibit proper technique and vocabulary in lower level classes before advancing into higher level more advanced classes.  If dancers are not in the appropriate level, the instructor may request the student move into a different class.  If dancers feel they are ready to move into another level, it is best practice to discuss with the instructor which class is best suited, or what skills are needed to move into the next level class.



Private lessons help advance dancer’s skills and give dancers one on one attention.  This is beneficial when trying to reach a specific dance goal, prepare for an event, or help a dancer get to the next level of class.  Each instructor has their own fees and requirements of time needed for private lessons, so we recommend talking to your instructor directly when interested.  Private lessons pricing varies depending on the goal of the lesson and the instructor’s qualifications and experience level.  Private lessons are paid directly to the instructor and will include rental fees for use of CENTRE for DANCE studios.



  • The 2025 Showcase is Sunday, June 1st, 2025. The Showcase will be held at Irving Art Center.

  • Dress Rehearsals and Class Photos are during dancers class times April 14th through April 17th, 2025. DRESS REHEARSAL IS REQUIRED FOR ALL DANCERS PARTICIPATING IN THE YEAR-END SHOWCASE. Dancers in morning classes or weekend classes maybe asked to attend that afternoon's session. Attendance is REQUIRED for rehearsals in order to participate in showcase. Please plan accordingly.

  • Showcase is optional for students; however, participation is encouraged and is a great way for families to see what dancers have learned throughout the year.  If your dancer is unable to participate in Showcase, or will only participate in certain classes, you must complete the Showcase OPT-OUT form by November 1st. 

  • There are two fees involved with showcase; (1) Showcase Costume Fee is $100 per class, (2)Showcase Participation Fee is $100 per dancer. 

  • Showcase Costume Fees ($100 per class) are due November 10th.  This fee covers the costume and any accessories or props needed, shipping and processing, as well as the time for our staff to order, receive, organize and pass out the items. This fee usually does not cover shoes or tights/socks, if needed. After December 1st costume fees may increase based on availability, shipping, and processing fees. We cannot guarantee costume availability after December 1st.

  • Showcase Participation Fee ($100 per dancer) is due February 10th.  This fee covers the CFD office for their time in planning the event, the cost of vendors, decorations, flooring, lighting, the staff at rehearsal and show day, as well as any costs incurred for use of the facility and stage crews.

  • All fees relating to showcase are non-refundable.  If a dancer is unable to attend showcase after paying showcase fees, the dancer may still pick up the costume during the following summer season.  We will hold on to the costume until then in case another dancer needs it. In that case, a refund will be issued via check 3 weeks following showcase.  Any costumes not picked up by the end of the following summer season are forfeited to CENTRE for DANCE.



Check the website or schedule for a list of holidays CENTRE for DANCE celebrates.  There will be no classes and the office will be closed during these holidays, unless otherwise notified.  Please remember there is no pro-rating for holidays; however, students may make up missed classes if they choose to do so.



In the case of bad weather and CENTRE for DANCE must close, delay or close early, an email will be sent to all students, as well as notices posted on social media.  CENTRE for DANCE does not use a specific school district as a guideline, as many times the weather is clear by the time our evening classes begin. Our management team will carefully monitor the weather to make the best decision for our students and staff.



In the case of unforeseen events, and in-person classes are not able to take place, a remote learning option will be available and regular tuition rates will continue. In case of a temporary interruption of service, CENTRE for DANCE reserves the right to freeze tuition and add the lost time once classes resumes or transfer all students to a remote learning environment to limit the interruption. In the event that an act of God, a natural disaster, pandemic, or national emergency causes more than a temporary interruption in services offered, tuition will be suspended until such time that services can resume.



Lost and found items are kept in an accessible location in the lobby.  Check this area regularly as items are cleaned out and donated monthly.  We cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen items.



  • Phones, Apple watches, and other electronics are not permitted in the studios during classtimes. 

  • Dance shoes should only be worn in the studio and not outside.

  • Sneakers or outside shoes worn in the studio, should be clean and free of dirt, mud, pebbles, etc.

  • Jewelry is not permitted in class with the exception of small stud earrings.

  • Please put dancer’s last name on all items brought into the studio, including on all dance shoes.

  • CENTRE for DANCE is not responsible for lost or stolen items.



A current email address is required for all families registered at CENTRE for DANCE.  This is solely for the purpose of receiving notices including receipts, bad weather class cancellations, and upcoming events. Your name and email address will not be sold or given out to anyone without your consent. Always check the CENTRE for DANCE website ( and social media pages for new information.  Any parent wishing to discuss any questions or concerns with the directors or teachers will be asked to make an appointment other than during class time.  It is sometimes impossible to talk to parents before, during, or after some classes, as we need to keep on a tight schedule, and want to give parents our full attention.



It is important that all our families feel welcome, comfortable and safe at CENTRE for DANCE at all times.  Parents should not enter a classroom during class time for any reason unless invited in by the instructor.  Please also do not open the door to the studio or yell through the doors to discipline your child while the child is in class.  Siblings and visitors are not allowed to play in open studios at any time.  If you have a concern, please ask for a meeting with studio management to discuss in private.  Foul language, inappropriate behavior, or negative conduct of any kind is not acceptable in the CENTRE for DANCE culture.  Any parent or visitor displaying such conduct will be asked to leave the studio immediately.



Students should be dropped off 5-10 minutes before class and promptly picked up after class.  For the safety of your dancer, parents must drop off and pick up their dancers inside the studio if they are under 10 years old.  Students over the age of 10 may be dropped off/picked up curbside; however, we are not responsible for students outside of the studio.  Please instruct your child to remain inside the studio while they are not taking class.  If you will be more than 10 minutes late to pick up your dancer, please call the studio office at 972-248-1112 to make arrangements.  We also ask that dancers do not arrive late to class, as it is distracting to their classmates and instructors. 


For your convenience, CFD offers a carpool lane on the north side of the building. Please enter from Collins and pull up to the carpool lane sign. Please DO NOT drop off or pick up your dancer in front of the studio or on the south side of the building. Safety of our dancers is a priority!



In the Studios -

  • Dancers should wait in the lobby or hallway until the teacher arrives and opens the studio for class time.  The studios are not a playground for dancers; therefore, do not allow your dancers to run freely in the studio, lobby or hallways.  We are not responsible for injuries, and items broken by dancers are the responsibility of the dancer to pay the cost of repairs.

  • There is no cell phones, or gum allowed, and there is no food or drink allowed in the studios.  Only closed top water bottles are permitted inside the studios.

  • In order for dancers to reach their full potential and attain their dance goals, consistent attendance is expected.  Dancers should make every effort to minimize absences the month prior to showcase.

  • Dancers should arrive a few minutes early to prepare for class and to ensure they are in the class on time.

  • Although we understand traffic and other unforeseen circumstances may prevent a dancer from arriving on time occasionally, dancers that are consistently late to a class may be asked to move to another class to prevent future disruptions to a class.

  • Please get permission in advance from the instructor/choreographer before recording or posting videos of choreography to social media. 

In the lobby areas -

  • Since we want everyone's time spent at the studio to be as pleasant as possible, we ask that noise be kept to a minimum in the lobby areas. In the front lobby our office is working very hard to answer questions, take care of phone calls, etc.  Please also be aware loud noise from these areas can be heard in the studios and disruptive to our students and instructors.  

  • Please dispose of all trash and try to keep the studios, lobby, restrooms, and dressing areas clean for all families to enjoy.  We ask that diapers are wrapped, and large food containers are disposed in the large trash cans in the hall. 

  • No eating in the front lobby or in the dressing rooms. There is an area available in the student locker room for dancers that are at the studio for long hours and need a snack or to work on homework between classes.

  • We love our dancers and their families; however, please be aware that CENTRE for DANCE cannot be held responsible for unattended students or siblings left in the lobby areas.  Please do not drop off young dancers more than 10 minutes before class without a parent or guardian to watch them.  We also ask that you do not leave dancers under the age of 8 with an hour or more between classes.  If you are late, you assume full responsibility for your child's welfare. 

  • Small children should be supervised and within arm's reach of their parents at all times, if not taking a dance class.  Please do not let your children play in the water fountain and clean up after your child in the restroom and lobby area.

  • Parents of dancers in Creative Movement and Preschool Combo classes should wait in the lobby to assist with water breaks and restroom emergencies.  To minimize distractions, please keep doorways clear and utilize the TV in the lobby to view your child’s class or other classes.  Dancers should also use the restroom prior to class so they are not leaving in the middle of class for restroom breaks.







Student & Parent Handbook – Signature Page


I, the undersigned, do hereby hold harmless, CENTRE for DANCE or anyone associated with CENTRE for DANCE for any injuries receive by the student listed below.  I also realize that I am fully responsible for the student prior to and immediately after his/her class.  I hereby grant permission for any faculty member of CENTRE for DANCE to take whatever steps they deem necessary to obtain emergency medical care for the student listed above.

In consideration of your acceptance of the enrollment, I, intending to be legally bound, do hereby waive, release and forever discharge all rights and claims against CENTRE for DANCE and/or any involved personnel for damages or injury sustained by me or my child in classes or on studio premises before or after class, or at any other outside studio activities, including showcases, workshops, performances or visits to surrounding businesses. 


I authorize CENTRE for DANCE to use photos and videos taken of my child while at dance or dance functions, for marketing and promotional material.  


I understand that any dancer enrolled in classes at CENTRE for DANCE is enrolled for each season continuously month to month unless written notice is received by email by the 20th of the month.  After the 20th, the next month's tuition will still apply. 


I agree to pay all tuition and fees at the beginning of each month and do not expect any refunds for classes missed due to absences, bad weather or holidays.  In addition, I understand late fees are applied for any unpaid tuition or fees not received by the required due date.


I agree to abide by the CENTRE for DANCE rules and regulations and any amendments and/or modifications thereto which may be made from time to time by CENTRE for DANCE sole discretion.


Student Name __________________________________________________                        


Guardian Signature _____________________________________________   Date _____________________








Tel:  972-248-1112


*Phone answered during posted office hours only, for more immediate help, please email the office.


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*these are hours the front desk is staffed









We recommend emailing outside of our office hours, as emails are checked periodically throughout each day.



by appointment only


3:00pm - 8:00pm

© 2024 by Centre for Dance.

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