Pamela "P" Wilde
Pamela Wilde better known as P, has been dancing professionally for 18 years and teaching for 15 years. She took her first professional class her junior year of high school under the direction of Suzanne Ramirez. From there she was invited to take her first masterclass taught by Max Stone. His masterclass taught her that it’s never too late to seek your passion. Her training background is in ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop and lyrical. Her focus is hip hop, jazz, street jazz and liturgical dance. Pamela enjoys staying current in her own development so she is better able to train her students; equipping them for today’s stage.
As a maturing dancer Pamela realizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In order to support her continuing love of dance, Pamela earned her personal training certification through the Cooper Fitness Center. After obtaining her fitness certification, she worked as a personal trainer, taught group fitness classes, and became a Nike Rockstar instructor for Nike in conjunction with teaching her studio classes. Pamela strives to make fellow aspiring dancers knowledgeable of the healthy ways to stay, not only physically but emotionally, fit in the industry
in hopes that they seek a higher quality of life. She incorporates cardiovascular endurance, resistance training, core, and balance techniques in her classes to provide a well-rounded dance training experience.
Pamela, blessed to work in the non-profit sector of the performing arts, reached out to urban youth, providing them with an opportunity they may not have had without the assistance of programs such as Artreach, Junior Players, and Big Thought. She was also selected as a master instructor for the DISD Summer Dance Intensive held
at Booker T. Washington High School. This program offers a two-week training opportunity in varying dance genres for youth.
Pamela enjoyed time as a Dallas Desperados Dancer for the Dallas Cowboys Arena Football League. Her credits also include performing for various events such as the BET Soul Train Awards, Avon, American Heart Association, Dallas Hip Hop Dance Festival, Dance Planet, DIFFA, Nordstrom Trend Show featuring Christi Harris Cosmetics, MLS National Soccer Championship for ABC, NHL Season Opening for NBC, The Official NFL Superbowl Party, House of Blues featuring Drake, and eWomen Network. She has also performed for several world-wide company industrial shows such as Home Depot, JCPenny, Navalyst, Nationwide Insurance, Five Star Conference and Expo, and American Heart Association. Pamela has experience in music videos both as a performer and choreographer, and has been selected as principal dancer for various projects.
She is currently the Talent Manager for the Dallas Hip Hop Dance Festival, staff member with Legacy Hip Hop Dance Convention, an instructor for Hip Hop Heels, and has moved into movement coaching for artists; strengthening performance skills on and off of the stage. Mrs. Pamela Wilde is newly married and loving time with her husband CJ and their fur-babies, Brother Sly, the cat and Farley Gogo, the dog!